Friday, January 20, 2012

Take a moment to read Percy the Park Keeper.

If you have ever walked the many wonderful stately homes and large parks of England, no doubt you have come across a gardener or even a park keeper. Their knowledge of the grounds which they take care of is like an encyclopedia to a world of absolute sheer delight for anyone who embraces nature. It is as if the earth and soil come alive by their love of the very grounds they keep. The knowledge that they have of the animals and wildlife is like rich soil being turned over to plant new seeds. Ever awakening the heart of a country-loving girl like me. There is a children's author who depicts such a wonderful man. "Percy the Park Keeper" by Nick Butterworth will have you transported to those wonderful grounds in England. He brings alive a love for the animals there and never lets go of how British a park keeper is.
So next time you are thinking of buying a book about England I dare you to read, yes a children's book, about "Percy the Park Keeper." You, I hope will love it just like me.
Wishing you lots of Tasty English Delights.
"There's always room for one more."

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