Thursday, March 31, 2011

Arty Diaries

As spring and summer approaches, my mum is going to start reading The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden. While looking at the cover, you will see how the artist captured the country in one little picture. But like an artist, the lady could not just stop with one picture and so has many beautiful drawings throughout the book. So if you are a little bored or have some extra time, start drawing or journaling. You will be amazing by how much you will have discovered about the beautiful world God has given us. So pick up a pencil and paper. Who knows, maybe your journal could be a published work of art one day. Wishing you lots of tasty English Delights. Emily

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring is Spring because?

Today the weather here has changed drastically from 80's to 40's and then on Sunday's in the 30's. As England changes their clocks forward tonight I have to ponder why is Spring called Spring. I know there are all reasons and answers however I love the one that was given to me today. Spring is called spring because it springs back and forth from hot to cold. I love that answer. How fun to make flowers on pipe cleaners and twirl the pipe cleaners around like they are a spring or put butterflies or baby lambs and ducks on them anything that you can think of is like spring, they can bounce around just like the weather.
So as you think the weather is warming up be prepared for some springing along the way at least if you jump around like a spring it will keep you warm.

Wishing you lots of Tasty English delights.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patricks day.

Today is St. Patricks day and as many laugh and joke and celebrate this day. I am reminded how fortunate we are. So go make green cupcakes and think of green in a new way not just St.Patricks Day. I have had to start eating healthier. So as the green day is here think of growing your own vegetables, think of becoming a little more green with recycling and think of coming not so green with envy. Think also where you are from, I am originally from Ireland. You never know where you roots will take you.
So make green a positive thing.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Wishing you lots of Tasty English Delights

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring 2011

As America gets ready to change their clocks and we lose an hour of sleep ahhhhhh. The weather is turning and so Spring is coming. Yes time to spring clean. My advice is do a little at a time. Sometimes it is so overwhelming. Just do one room, it will encourage you to do another. Sort out all those clothes and see if you really need them. If you don't you can email friends and see if they are in need of them, or if a church has people in need. In this economy there are so many people with needs. My dad and I use to go to second hand stores he was very good at getting bargains. So check them out. Take a walk or if you don't feel up to that sit on a chair outside get some fresh air into your lungs. Open up the windows and gets some clean air into the house.
Enjoy this new season. Now remember England does not change it's clocks for a few more weeks.
America changes clocks March 12th weekend and England changes clocks March 26th weekend.
Wishing you lots of Tasty English Delights.