Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring is calling you home

Spring in England is unbelievable. I always tell everyone who asks me about England that it is the best time to go. There is something in the air that says the long winter days are over and that warmer days are coming. You walk past grave yards and for once they do not seem so creepy, with flowers bursting up everywhere it is as if even the dead have summoned up spring. I loved walking down streets in the villages and through the meadows and seeing not neat little flowers all in a row but flowers popping up that were planted long, long ago. There is a sense that as you walk down the roads in the villages that you are connecting with history. The clothes are pegged on washing lines and the breeze is sweet, the windows in homes begin to be open and the paths finally start to dry. So if you have the chance to go home in Spring to my England hurry go and enjoy in my opinion the best place to be in Spring.Oh don't forget to eat those Cadbury cream eggs and have a lovely cup of tea. There is always room for one more.