Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wonderful England in the Autumn.

I will have to say as autumn approaches I am missing home immensely. The colours on the leaves in England are magical and makes you just want to run in them.
Brown, red, yellow, purple and even dark blue. It is like a song being sung about the colours of a rainbow you will find in my England in autumn.
From stately homes to walking the streets of England, you will find the magic of autumn at work.
When I was a child, we would visit stately homes. I loved the history. I can still see us all walking around those old homes and walking around large lakes and the grounds. It is in those fond memories I bring you some photos of some beautiful places in my England in Autumn.
So take a moment and imagine the most beautiful colours that your paint brush can paint.
Because in that you will find England in the autumn.
Wishing you lots of Tasty English Delights
There's always room for one more.

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