Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Here's to 2010

As 2009 ends and 2010 begins I am sure we all can look back with regrets or joy at the many things that happened. I got to make meringues and give them to some amazing friends I got to help out at an open house,at a herb shop. I got to laugh in the rain. I got to learn what it was like to see someone who liked my food and laugh at some disasters. God held my hand tight and as I enter 2010 I hold his hand even tighter not knowing so many things.
But I also got to cry a million tears. I have been down a long old road and as 2009 ends I do so hope that 2010 has a happier ending.
So where ever your road has lead you I pray you will look back and try to focus on the good rather than the bad and to one and all I say dance a little through the storm because after the storm there is so much grace. I pray that next year will bring much joy, much grace and here is to all of us to end up in a better place at the end of 2010.
Happy New Year
Wishing you lots of tasty English Delights

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