Monday, September 7, 2009

Autumn decorating.

Autumn has such amazing colors and weather you live in England or the States you can make your home feel a bit like the season. When I was a child and lived in Norwich we had a tree that had tons of conkers and when we lived in a small village called Aylmerton we had horse chestnut trees. You can gather these and place them into baskets or jars without the lids on them. You could also just get dried leaves crunch them up and put them in jars all those wonderful different colors of Autumn will make any room look wonderful,it will look like when you put sand in a jar and you can see the differant colors. Here below are some other idea's.
Place acorns or pine cones in baskets or jars.
Place favorite teddies around, jars of buttons,ribbons and marbles.
In the kitchen put different color macaroni, Cinnamon sticks, dried cranberries and nuts in jars it will make your kitchen look like autumn.
Collect rich color soaps and place them in your bathroom.
Change out and put rich colorful wash cloths/flannels and towels in your bathroom.
I have some hedgehog toys place them around the house. (or any toys that look like autumn to you.)
Rich colorful blankets.
Tea pots.
Draw and paint leaves. You can either leave them that color or write on them your favorite things about Autumn.
Take photo's of pumpkins and leaves.
I would make sure all the things you gather are fully dried out otherwise they may go a little moldy.
Open your eyes wide and be your own inspiration. You can do it.
Wishing you lots of tasty English Delights.

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