As my daughter
Emily wrote on
Cornfielddreams today I was reminded of how wonderful it is in
England to wake up and have a cup of tea. Tea takes a long time to get through the process to become the drink that we so readily drink in
England and as ice tea here in the States. So it is with friends and life it takes a while to mature a friendship. It takes many seasons to often see the goodness in life and to have that relaxing cup of tea. If you watch tea when you add sugar into the waters swirl around and then it is still.So it is in life when all around us is utter disaster eventually the storms will calm.
Last night I was blessed to go to church with my good friends and their daughter and my two wonderful children. Mike,Nancy and Trish are like family to us as are Mike and LeaAnn we have celebrated many Birthdays with them and the day I meet both of them was an amazing day.
The sermon at
Hope Community church was one of Hope at the end the Pastor took a big card and it read what he had been and what he now is in Christ then many others had cards too. I thought how my card may not read restored marriage as I so longed it to read but perhaps mine would read I should not be here, nasty
separation then on the other side loved by God walking by grace.
So as I type today my story I hope brings hope.
So as you reflect on the day stir your tea and think of the many people who have made a
difference in your life.
Never forget where you have come from none of us are any better than the thief who died at the cross with Jesus but if we turn to Christ all of us are made new.
I hope you have many lovely Easter goodies my friends made us some and we are off to deliver some ourselves I encourage you to do the same take some to a friend it will make a
difference because you can make a
Wishing you lots of tasty English Delights.